Application Form for Admission

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This Application Form is to be filled by the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the applicants seeking admission to Form 2 or Form 3.
The form is divided into 4 major sections: Student, Family, Academic and Health profiles.
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* Indicates required question
Email *
Your email
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By continuing to fill this form, you agree with the terms of service and privacy policy which can be found in the link:
First Name of Applicant (Student): *
Your answer
Middle Name(s) of Applicant (Student):
Your answer
Surname of Applicant (Student): *
Your answer
Applicant's NEMIS UPI:
Your answer
Age of Applicant (Student): *
Your answer
Date of Birth of Applicant (Student): *
Citizenship: *
County of Residence: *
Postal Address:
Your answer
Physical Address: *
The place of residence i.e. Road/Street, Estate, Plot and House No.
Your answer
Religion: *
Denomination: *
e.g. Catholic, Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, Sunni, Shia etc.
Your answer
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