[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Scouting is an educational movement for the young people and purposes to contribute to the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual and character potentials.
The Apostolic Carmel scouts with a membership of 40 students from all classes are proud to be members of the Makadara Sub- county Scouts Association.
Apart from breaking the flag and conducting the National Anthem in the school every Friday, the scouts have mounted a Guard of Honour for the following special guests in the school
- Prize Giving Day Celebration held on 8/4/2017. The guest of honour was
John L. Olultuaa (Regional Co-ordinator of Education Nairobi County)
- Women’s Day celebration held on 8/3/2017. The guest of honour was Mrs. Rosemary Ngesa.
- General Superior’s visit on 14/09/2017. The superior general Sr. Shusheela, accompanied by Secretary General Sr. Jennifer and Bursar General Sr. Pavitha all of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation.
- Mwamba Challenge held at Buru Buru Girls secondary school on 11/06/2017. The scouts had a chance to meet with other scouts from Makadara Sub County. Being a challenge they competed in the following categories; cleanliness, marching, breaking the flag and, response to emergency. Apostolic Carmel girls emerged position 2 in the challenge. Being that scouting is a movement geared towards Holistic growth of its members, they were given a talk on responsible sexual behaviours, gender violence and drug abuse and its effects.
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