Scouts Report Year 2017

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]Scouting is an educational movement for the young people and purposes to contribute to the physical, intellectual, social, emotional, spiritual and character potentials.


The Apostolic Carmel scouts with a membership of 40 students from all classes are proud to be members of the Makadara Sub- county Scouts Association.


Apart from breaking the flag and conducting the National Anthem in the school every Friday, the scouts have mounted a Guard of Honour for the following special guests in the school

  1. Prize Giving Day Celebration held on 8/4/2017. The guest of honour was
    John L. Olultuaa (Regional Co-ordinator of Education Nairobi County)


  1. Women’s Day celebration held on 8/3/2017. The guest of honour was Mrs. Rosemary Ngesa.



  1. General Superior’s visit on 14/09/2017. The superior general Sr. Shusheela, accompanied by Secretary General Sr. Jennifer and Bursar General Sr. Pavitha all of the Apostolic Carmel Congregation.


  1. Mwamba Challenge held at Buru Buru Girls secondary school on 11/06/2017. The scouts had a chance to meet with other scouts from Makadara Sub County. Being a challenge they competed in the following categories; cleanliness, marching, breaking the flag and, response to emergency. Apostolic Carmel girls emerged position 2 in the challenge. Being that scouting is a movement geared towards Holistic growth of its members, they were given a talk on responsible sexual behaviours, gender violence and drug abuse and its effects.

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