Report on International Women’s Day

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities. 2017 IWD campaign theme was #BeBoldforChange

For International Women’s Day 2017 and beyond, individuals and organizations were encouraged to #BeBoldforChange by taking ground breaking action that truly drives the greatest change for women. Many influencers around the world committed to bold action to accelerate gender parity, acknowledging their responsibility to do what they can to forge a more gender inclusive world.

APOSTOLIC CARMEL GIRLS’ COMMUNITY #BeBoldforChange ACTIVITIES/ACTIONS – To make the celebrations colorful and more meaningful, the following items/ activities were used/ carried out:

  • The International Women’s Day logo

The IWD logo, was used   to actively promote the International Women’s Day (IWD) event, activity and to create/raise awareness among students members of staff and the neighboring community.

  • Banner/ walk to Raise Awareness in the School and its neighborhood

A banner was designed adorned with the theme color; PURPLE, and the IWD theme; Be Bold for Change clearly printed in bold. Carrying the banner high, the Apostolic Carmel community participated in a walk around Buruburu estate. They were led by the school band. Also accompanying them was guest of honor.

  • Entertainment

Students presented songs and dances. The songs selected were appropriate for the messages communicated touched on women empowerment in all circles of life. They enhanced the theme and the mood of the day.

Food and refreshments were served after the walk.

  • Competitions

Students competed in the following activities:

  • Modeling
  • Drawing
  • Public speaking

In these categories the following students received awards as follow:

  • Mary Wanini                                    –           Official wear
  • Lydia Watai                                      –            African wear
  • Mitchelle Lele                                   –           Creative wear
  • Cecilia Wambui                                –           Best artist
  • Daisy Okwisa and Edna Kareri      –           Best in spoken word

The overall best model was Lydia Watai. She was crowned Miss Carmel Women’s Day Edition, 2017

  • Talk

Ms. Rosemary Ngesa was the invited guest speaker. She holds academic awards including:-

  • Diploma in business management  University of Nairobi
  • Diploma in counseling Psychology Amani Counseling Center
  • Diploma in drug and substance Abuse
  • Currently pursuing a bachelor degree in Psychology

Rosemary has expensive working experience having served as an executive secretary to the regional postal manager, assistant manager supervising call center agents country wide and in her current position as the assistance manager to the Post Master General, G.P.O. tasked with the coordination of health and environmental issues especially on sensitization on drugs and substance abuse. She is a wife, a mother and a wise counselor.

She motivated the girls to pursue education as a means to attaining self reliance. She used her career journey to emphasis the need for one to grow education wise in order for one to position oneself on the path of the ever demanding and growing career opportunities.

It was a day full of joy and entertainment. The women present felt appreciated and vowed to be bold for change.

Report compiled by:

Ms. Serah Chege

     Tr. In charge, Women’s Day




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