Journalism Club Carmel

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  • The journalism club was established in February 2016 after consultations between the current patron (Mr. James Kituzi), then a newcomer, and the principal. The objectives of the club include the following:
    1. To train students in effective communication, conflict resolution and  public speaking skills
    2. To help students acquire knowledge and skills in research, news gathering, interview, writing, editing and presentation skills
    3. To train students on how to use various media tools like computers, digital cameras, video cameras, sound equipment in collecting, documenting and presenting information in preparation for careers in the media industry
    4. To empower, motivate and inspire students to discover, unleash and nurture their God-given talents in poetry, drawing, singing, dancing and other forms of performing arts.
    5. To instill moral values like respect, self-discipline, integrity and responsibility; and to cultivate the fear of God among the students even as they pursue their aspirations in life

    The above objectives are achieved through the various activities that the club engages in as shall be illustrated in this report.


    Since its inception the club, under the leadership of Mr. James Kituzi, has been privileged to make some commendable strides through numerous successful activities as follows:

    1. Membership registration and election of officials
    2. Events management-Planning and hosting major school events
    3. Coverage and documentation of major school events and daily happenings through photography, video recording and news presentation on general assemblies
    4. Training and motivational workshops
    5. Intra-school debates
    6. Essay writing and creative arts competitions
    7. Inception of the School magazine


    By the end of the first week since the announcement had been made, the club had attained a membership of 80 students. During the first meeting, the members held elections for the club officials through secret ballot after a talk on leadership Skills by the patron, Mr. James Kituzi. This was to encourage democracy and student participation in leadership and decision making thus giving them a sense of belonging.


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